TotalFranchise UK Franchise Opportunities and Business Opportunities For Sale
Wilkins Chimney Sweep
Wilkins Chimney Sweep
Described as the perfect business model, Wilkins Chimney Sweep franchise offer a full time, chimney sweep van based cleaning franchise that operates from home. This franchise model ticks the boxes for a sustainable, growing, profitable business.
Wilkins Chimney Sweep
Franchise Information
  • BFA Membership StatusAssociate
  • UK Years Established7 years
  • Current UK Coverage15%
  • Franchisee Support Staff4
  • Personal Investment Req.£9,170 approx
  • Total Startup Cost£13,100 approx
  • Home-based business locationYes
  • Territory-based business locationYes
  • Business to consumer servicesYes
  • Franchisee operates individuallyYes
  • Part of a collaborative networkYes
Next Steps

Peter Harris, Managing Director of the Wilkins Chimney Sweep franchise talks about the Wilkins Chimney Sweep franchise and his background.

Peter Harris, Managing Director of the Wilkins Chimney Sweep franchise talks about the Wilkins Chimney Sweep franchise and his background.

If you are serious about becoming your own boss and building a saleable asset for your future then the Wilkins Chimney Sweep Franchise want to hear from you!

Hear from franchisee Nick Menege talking about why he decided to go self-employed.

Hear from franchisee Nick Menege talking about why he decided to go self-employed, why he choose to become a franchisee and what he looked for with regard to the right investment.

This is a profitable business. With an average 50% net profit margin, this proven multi-van business can, with your hard work,  deliver a typical middle managers salary.

Find out more and click the button below now!

Hear from franchisee Adrian Steel talking about why he decided to buy a franchise, why he choose Wilkins Chimney Sweep and his experience of becoming a franchisee.

The Wilkins Chimney Sweep Franchise is a van-based, full-time Chimney Cleaning Business that operates from a home-office. The Wilkin's model ticks the boxes for a sustainable, growing, profitable business.

Hear from franchisee Adrian Steel talking about why he decided to buy a franchise, why he choose Wilkins Chimney Sweep and his experience of becoming a franchisee.

Meet Louise Harris, the Franchise Director of Wilkins Chimney Sweep.

Meet Louise Harris, the Franchise Director of Wilkins Chimney Sweep. Hear about her background and experience and learn more about this fantastic franchise opportunity.

Wilkins Chimney Sweep is a van-based, full-time Chimney Cleaning Business that operates from a home-office. The Wilkin's model ticks the boxes for a sustainable, growing, profitable business.

What Our Franchisees Say

WILKINS CHIMNEY SWEEP have been very supportive in providing both practical training, and also advice on how to run a business with accounting and tax information.

I liked the idea of working for myself doing something more hands on than I had been used to as an ex-surveyor. Franchising gave me professional backup, training and an established name to use.

Why Choose Us

Build a sustainable, ethical, saleable and scalable business

Annual repeat business with excellent cash flow!

We are the only bfa accredited chimney sweeping franchise


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