TotalFranchise UK Franchise Opportunities and Business Opportunities For Sale
Concept Claim Solutions Special Feature
Concept Claim Solutions Special Feature
If you have the ambition, people skills, and a strong work ethic, you can set yourself up to run a successful Concept Claims Solutions franchise through turbulent external conditions.
Concept Claim Solutions Special Feature
Franchise Information
  • BFA Membership StatusAssociate
  • UK Years Established17 years
  • Current UK Coverage70%
  • Franchisee Support Staff18
  • Personal Investment Req.£15,000
  • Total Startup Cost£32,995
  • Home-based business locationYes
  • Business to consumer servicesYes
  • Franchisee operates individuallyYes
Next Steps

Are You Looking For A Recession Resistant Franchise?

If there’s one consistent theme on the news at the moment, it’s the looming threat of a recession. As a result, choosing a franchise that will survive an economic downturn has never been more important. But, what makes a franchise business recession resistant?

Let’s start by defining a recession. According to the National Bureau of Economic Research, a recession refers to a significant and widespread decline in economic activity. Generally, including high unemployment, a slowdown of goods produced and sold, wages falling and Gross Domestic Product (GDP) contraction.

Recession resistant businesses either have characteristics that are conducive to experiencing an increase in demand caused by cuts in income, such as discount stores offering cheaper alternatives to luxury brands, or offer goods and services that people need rather than want. The more essential the service is, the better it will manage during tough economic times.

The insurance and property restoration industry falls into the exclusive “recession resistant” category. You would have a hard time living with a fire damaged kitchen or water pouring through the ceiling. Most people are also not skilled at property repairs, so when an issue arises, they require experts with the skills and know-how to help them get back to normal.

Mother Nature certainly isn’t going to take a break, as seen in February 2022, with Storms Eunice, Franklin and Dudley. The property damage insurance claims alone, from these three storms, are expected to result in insurance payouts of £473 million (Association of British Insurers, April 2022).

While a recession may spell serious trouble for some franchises, that is not the case for Concept which has been successfully operating since 2001.

Concept Claim Solutions Franchise - Recession Resistant BusinessConcept franchise partner, Jamie Golding commented;
During the pandemic, we were classed as ‘key workers’. People couldn’t afford to be displaced from their homes or live without the essential amenities. Without specialist knowledge, the process of making an insurance claim and organising the repairs is plagued with challenges. We take all of this stress away from the customer and help them get their lives back, which is extremely rewarding.

Starting the franchise business in 2019 and still being able to achieve growth has proven the business model is both recession and pandemic proof.”

Some of the benefits of being a Concept franchise partner include Head Office supplied contractors, a service that will always be affordable to customers as it is usually delivered at no cost (apart from the insurance policy excess) and low overheads as the business can be managed from home.

Concept Claim Solutions Franchise - Recession Resistant Business

You can take control of your future by becoming part of a recession resistant industry. If you have the ambition, people skills, and a strong work ethic, you can set yourself up to run a successful franchise through turbulent external conditions.

To learn more about joining an award-winning franchise just click below

What Are The Top 5 Skills Required To Successfully Run Your Own Insurance Claims Franchise?What Are The Top 5 Skills Required To Successfully Run Your Own Insurance Claims Franchise?

Concept Claim Solutions is looking for franchise partners who have a real passion for effectively managing insurance claims.

Interview with Rebecca Dean and Andy WalmsleyInterview with Rebecca Dean and Andy Walmsley

Rebecca Dean (UK Franchise Manager) discusses Concept’s building repair network with Andy Walmsley (Concept’s Operations Director).

Franchisor Interview with Andrew WalmsleyFranchisor Interview with Andrew Walmsley

To gain a further insight into Concept Building Solutions we have spoken to Andrew Walmsley, Group Operations Director and Franchisor of Concept Claim Solutions

The Insight at the Heart of Concept's Training ModelThe Insight at the Heart of Concept's Training Model

Concept's training programme has been expertly developed by David Nelson, a Concept franchise partner and an accredited training professional.

What Our Franchisees Say

I have been with Concept for over six years in which time I have seen my business grow into a substantial organization.Mark Usher South Mersey

I would recommend to anyone who is looking to create a business in the insurance claims and restoration market to take a close look at the Concept franchise – It really worked for me!

Why Choose Us

Concept provide full training and support so whatever your background and experience we will ensure that you are equipped with the knowledge and assistance you need to make your business a success.

Concept are the only truly national insurance claims franchise network. This brings the benefits of trading under a well known and respected brand.

Concept have many business development schemes including Broker Solutions, Agent Solutions and Remedial Solutions all of which give you the opportunity generate additional business for franchise.

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