TotalFranchise UK Franchise Opportunities and Business Opportunities For Sale
GolfStarz Coaching Franchise
GolfStarz Coaching Franchise
GolfStarz teaches children of any ability, from the age of 3 upwards, how to play golf via a non-traditional learning experience. This innovative concept is now available as a UK nationwide franchise for others, like you, to replicate its success.
GolfStarz Coaching Franchise
Franchise Information
  • BFA Membership Status-
  • UK Years Established4 years
  • Current UK Coverage5%
  • Franchisee Support Staff5
  • Personal Investment Req.£5,000
  • Total Startup Cost£15,000
  • Territory-based business locationYes
  • Business to consumer servicesYes
  • Franchisee employs staffYes
  • Franchisee operates individuallyYes
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Join the UK’s first ever Golf Coaching Franchise for children with GolfStarz!

GolfStarz is obsessed with getting children to enjoy playing golf through making it fun. So, whether a child is the next Tiger Woods or not, they will have an enjoyable start in learning to play golf.

Friendly GolfStarz Franchisees, employed coaches or both, will deliver GolfStarz sessions with one aim…. To make the kids scream with excitement! 

You do not need any qualifications or experience to be a GolfStarz franchisee, just a passion for playing golf and inspiring chidlren! 

Why Choose Us

A business and a brand well established in its field with learnings on how to deliver an exceptional professional and fun service.

Earn a potential £35,000+ per year with flexible working hours

Serve your local community with a high demand sector with enormous job satisfaction

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