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Mother Nature Science Case Study
Mother Nature Science Case Study
Samira Kashefi says that her Mother Nature Science franchise allows her to spend more time with her kids. Samira has become more confident in communicating with various people and has learned many new skills, including exceptional organisation and management skills.
Mother Nature Science Case Study
Franchise Information
  • BFA Membership StatusProvisional
  • UK Years Established11 years
  • Current UK Coverage5%
  • Franchisee Support Staff3
  • Personal Investment Req.£4,500
  • Total Startup Cost£15,000
  • Home-based business locationYes
  • Business to consumer servicesYes
  • Franchisee employs staffYes
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A Mother Nature Science Franchise Provides Flexible Working Patterns

Name: Samira Kashefi
Location: North East London
Franchise: Mother Nature Science Franchise

Can you tell us a bit about yourself and what you were doing prior to buying a franchise business?

I was a research scientist and have worked in various London universities. I took a career break from research for childcare reasons and once my children became school aged I was looking for a flexible job that allowed me good work-life balance. Mother Nature Science Franchise was a perfect opportunity. It is something that I am passionate. I contribute to inspiring children with a love of science and allows me flexible working arrangements.

Why did you go down the franchise route? What made you choose your industry? And why did you choose your franchise?

I was searching for business opportunities and due to family commitments, a franchise was a better option than starting a new business. It offers the independence of small business without the need of business experience. It offered important pre-opening support and then ongoing support.

How did you hear about the franchise?

After enrolling my daughter in a science after-school club, I enjoyed seeing my daughter’s growing interest in science. Therefore I wanted to contribute as well to inspire my own and other children with a love of science.

Can you also tell us about the franchise you have bought?

Mother Nature Science | Samira KashefiMother Nature Science offers quality curriculum linked science programmes and activities for children aged 5-12 since 2007 in the U.K. Its goal is to inspire the minds of the next generation with science and I wanted to be part of this great team.

How did you raise the finance?

Personal Savings.

What training and support did you receive to help get your franchise launched?

From day one, I have had incredible support and help from the entire Mother Nature Science Team.

I met with various other similar business prior meeting with Mother Nature Science. After meeting with our franchise & business development Director and then some of the other team in my interview, I knew I would fit well within the team.

The team initially provided me with intensive training in all area of the business, including management, sales, recruitment and ordering stock. This extensive training was most valuable for me during my business launch. It allowed me to realise which area I need more support and therefore I spent more time on it until I understood it completely.

What was the most valuable part of your training?

Having a single, dedicated support manager. My support manager has been with the company for many years and has managed various areas of the business. His and other team member's advice has been very valuable. He is very patient and understands that there is no such thing as stupid question. This encouraged me to seek advice from him on any small issues I have doubts on.

Did the training meet your expectations?

Yes, in fact I have been very impressed with the quality of products and processes as well the way it was structured. I learnt it very quickly and became confident.

What have been the biggest challenges so far in getting your franchise launched? And how have you dealt with them?

I had to wear many hats. I have to manage all the daily operations involved in operating a business, including, marketing, sales, recruitment, ordering supplies, preparing payroll, resolving discrepancies and many more. I worked extra hours including late at night.

How long do you expect to be running the franchise?

As far as I can manage it.

What are the most positive outcomes for you personally since becoming a franchisee?

It has provided me with more flexible working patterns. I spend less on childcare I am able to spend more time with my kids. I have become more confident in communicating with various people and learned many new skills, including exceptional organisation and management skills.

Any advice for someone considering franchising?

  • Find something you are passionate about. Research the organisation and their success well and assess whether there is demand in the area you are interested in. Don’t be shy, ask questions, and meet with various organisation until you find the one that you fit well.
  • Asses its performance at each of its company-owned and franchised locations and have a return on investment that meets your expectations.
  • In addition asses your financial and personal situation. Above all be patient and optimistic but also be realistic. Like any business franchising also comes with risks too.

If Samira's story has interested you then find out more about the Mother Nature Science Franchise by clicking below

The Path to Inspire Children in ScienceThe Path to Inspire Children in Science

Sharen Sia runs Mother Nature Science Hertfordshire and tells us about her franchise business.

What Our Franchisees Say

I am lucky to say that I have made the right choice as the support from the Franchise Team is second to none, sometimes just a text or phone call away from resolving my enquiries and problems.Sharen Sia

The Mother Nature Science Franchise option was a great opportunity for me to consider as it meant I was able to kick start my passion working with children, operate it as my own business.Jennifer Chung

It has provided me with more flexible working patterns. I spend less on childcare I am able to spend more time with my kids. I have become more confident in communicating with various people and learned many new skills, including exceptional organisation and management skills.Samira Kashefi

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